You know that little picture of someone’s face next to their post on a blog? That’s their ‘avatar’. There’s a global movement around to standardize the images that people use on their posts, and its very simple to set-up.

Your first step is to head over to to get your avatar setup.

I go here because I don’t know what password to use. Gmail is already part of this Globally-Recognize-Avatar movement (Gravatar). Just get the password sent back to your email, or create a new account.

Then, once you’re on, you can upload a picture of yourself.

How to edit your gravitar avatar photo

How to edit your gravitar avatar photo

When you comment on my blog posts, and on any other posts online, it asks you for your email address — which is never seen by the public. What is actually happening is that they are sending out a request to see if you have an avatar tied in with the email address. This way, it’s easy to post on blogs to add comments, and when you put in your email address, it personalizes everything.

You can also set up more than 1 email address, each having the same or different pics. I have one that is more professional, and the other that is more ‘outdoorsey’.

Good luck! Comment below and let me see you!